All services > Performance
You want to supercharge your digital marketing with dedicated reporting, planning and premium implementation guidance. You are running active digital marketing campaigns but aren't sure of the best next steps. You want an independent look at performance to help you understand how you're going and an experienced hand to guide you through implementation.
Not locked into any channels, this plan considers a holistic digital marketing approach
Video sessions and shared collaborative meeting minutes
Implementation support so you can execute with confidence
Month 1
Get campaign optimisations, quarterly plan & start implementing now
Get an independent report of current marketing performance, recommendations to optimise current activities and suggestions of opportunities for next steps, all delivered in a 90 minute planning session.
Read more about what your plan will include here.
Walk through the nitty gritty of implementation so that you can work away without ambiguity, delivered in a 60 minute implementation session.
I'll perform an independent review of your marketing performance and run you through the key findings. Based on this, I will present you with a clear and concise list of actions you can take to optimise your digital marketing.
You will also be provided with a list of opportunities to plan for over the coming months. These concepts form your dynamic digital marketing plan. As the month's progress, we will build on these, which will provide you with a marketing strategy.
I ensure that you leave this meeting with a clear understanding of actions to be taken in the month and quarter ahead and how to do them.
Whether you're an internal team or outsourcing (freelancers or agency) I'll articulate an easy to follow strategy with tactical suggestions.​
Suggestions may cover the following digital marketing platforms where relevant:
Organic and paid social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok)
Organic and Paid Search (i.e. Google)
Display Advertising (i.e. Google Display Network)
Email Marketing (Automated Email Sequences, Email Collection and Email Newsletters)
Press (Getting in the news)
Website Optimisation (Increasing conversion rates)
Halfway through the month you will have had time to reflect on your plan and consider which elements you are ready to implement.
You will have started executing the plan, but will have some questions along the way. In the second coaching session of the month we will focus on helping you to implement the monthly recommendations made at the start of the month.
Month 2
Revise, optimise and implement
Get a review of current marketing performance and refresh the plan, delivered in a 90 minute planning session.
Walk through the nitty gritty of implementation so that you can work away without ambiguity, delivered in a 60 minute implementation session.
By now you will have started executing the plan, but will have some more questions along the way. In the second month of our engagement we will keep our finger on the pulse of performance, further develop your dynamic digital marketing plan and focus on helping you to implement new suggestions.
Your first session of the month will be your planning session.
You will bring any questions you have to this meeting, and I will review your digital marketing performance and provide new recommendations to optimise current performance.
In your second session we will meet to focus on the implementation of these new recommendations. I will ensure that you exit this session with a crystal clear idea of actions to be taken in the month ahead to work your way through this quarter's plan.
You will also receive an independent review of your performance across your digital marketing together with new opportunities to add to your dynamic marketing plan. The idea is to continue to keep your active marketing campaigns on target while building out your long term marketing strategy.
Month 3
Revise, optimise, implement & prep
Stay on top of your digital marketing campaigns with a dedicated monthly report and optimisation recommendations, delivered in a 90 minute planning sessions.
Get rid of any final roadblocks so that you can complete this quarter's plan, delivered in a 60 minute implementation session.
Get ready to receive a revised plan for the next quarter.
After working through the action points you have implemented all of the recommendations over the last two months. You are also working your way through any homework to help you be ready to launch your opportunities.
Your marketing basics are set up and you are continuously optimising your active campaigns.
You are putting the final touches in place to complete the implementation of your first quarter opportunities.
We will touch base to butt heads and continue to flesh out the nitty gritty of your long term marketing planning.
Together, we will use these sessions to ensure that you achieve you quarterly objectives and have implemented everything that you've wanted to. You will also brief me on your capacity to implement in the quarter ahead so that I can provide you with the best plan possible for the next quarter.
Next steps
Rinse and repeat
Your digital marketing is ever changing and your plan is dynamic. By repeating the above process we will nurture a full-fledged digital marketing strategy by repeatedly testing different tactics.
Meet your Marketing Dashboard
Included for all Hedgehog clients
A simple, high level overview of your digital marketing performance.
An automatic, interactive dashboard that hooks directly into your website & core marketing channel analytics. ​You'll get an understanding of where your website traffic and social traffic is coming from, its behaviour in your funnel and your combined return on ad spend across paid media.
Your dashboard will cover all marketing channels and not favour any one. It will help you to read between the lines of which channels are truly driving results, and which are piggybacking.
You will finally have a clear and concise understanding of your digital marketing performance at a glance.
Why Hedgehog?
Trusted, independent advice. Bias-free.
I'll be brutally honest & tell you how it is. I'll hide nothing from your reports and will plan your digital marketing strategy with no conflict of interest.
No lock in contracts or minimum terms.
I don't believe in lock in contracts or forcing you to stay (how crazy). If I'm not providing value, I'll stop charging. Simple as that.
You work directly with me, Josh
I've helped over 200 small businesses in Australia and around the world to sell more online. I don't focus on any one channel, but instead on what will work for your business.